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Longarm Quilting

Minimum: $50.00 quilting fee (excludes batting, backing, and binding)

​Using my Q'nique 19 Longarm, I will apply circles, swirls, or loops to your quilt top using free motion quilting, or I can use a pantograph of your choosing.

​Quilting fee – $.0199 per square inch.
To calculate the quilting fee: Measure the length of your quilt and the width of your quilt. Calculate the Length times the Width to get a value. Take the value and times that by .0199. Example: 72 L x 65 W = 4,680 x .0199 = $93.13.

Batting – $10.99 per yard.
I use only 100% quality cotton batting, which I have in stock. Outside batting not accepted.

Backing – $12.99 per yard or you supply the backing.
Should you provide the backing fabric, be sure to provide backing that is 4 inches wider on both sides and 4 inches longer both ends.

Binding – $25
Binding includes preparing, pressing, and sewing the binding to finish your quilt.

​​To have a custom quilt top made, please contact me directly.

​Click URL to complete your quilting order form.

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